Wireless IoT tomorrow展示会出展のお知らせ

このたび弊社は10月にドイツで開催されるWireless IoT tomorrow展示会に出展いたします。


会期   :2023年10月18日(水)~29日(木)  9:00~17:00 ※現地時間

会場   :Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 1, 65185 Wiesbaden, North Hall Entrance

展示内容 :UHF帯静電容量センサータグ







We are excited to announce that E-garde Co. Ltd will participating in the Wireless IoT Tomorrow to be held in Germany in October 18th, 2023


Period:Oct. 18th – 19th, 2023

Begin: 09:00

End: 17:00

venue:Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 1, 65185 Wiesbaden, North Hall Entrance

Exhibiting Items:……The capacitance sensing tag, contactless and battery-less water level detection/weight detection/resistance detection/metal corrosion detection solutions


We hope to see you in the audience!